Bachelor`s Degree Requirements
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Business Track:
Bachelor's Degree Requirements

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Bachelor's Degrees
Accounting BS

48 Major Requirement credits

Quantitative Methods
Business Statistics
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Computerized Accounting Systems
   and Procedures
Mgmnt. of Corp. Finance I
Business Law I
Business Law II
Intermediate Accounting I
Intermediate Accounting II
Principles of Accounting II
Federal Income Taxes I
Federal Income Taxes II
Cost Accounting
Advanced Accounting
Money and Banking, OR
Mgmnt. of Corp. Finance II
Business, Professional, and
   Technical Writing

9 Major Elective credits
23-29 Elective credits

3 credits - Major/Capstone Course
Auditing I

57-60 credits Total
7-12 credits Free Electives

Bachelor's Degree -
127-132 Total Credits

Marketing BS

45 Major Requirement credits

27 Required Courses credits
Quantitative Methods
Business Statistics
Organization & Management
Principles of Accounting I
Managerial Accounting
Mgmnt. of Corp. Finance I
Business Law I
Basic Marketing

One from the following (3 credits):
Intermediate Business & Trade OR
Management Info. Systems OR
Production Management OR
Int. Economics

18 Major Elective credits
23-28 Free Elective credits

Bachelor's Degree -
128-132 Total Credits

Business Admin./Mgmt. BS

54 Major Requirement credits

30 Business Admin. core credits
Intro. to Business
Business Statistics
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Int. Business
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Law I
Managerial Finance
Business Policy

24 Specialization Requirements credits
International Management
Org. Theory & Practice
HR Management
Production Management
Mgmt. Info. Systems
Seminar: Mgmt. Science

15 Elective credits
6 Emphasis credits

Bachelor's Degree -
128 Total Credits

Labor Studies and
Employment Relations BA

36 Major Requirement credits

9 Required Courses credits
Intro. to Labor Studies
Perspective on Labor Studies
Senior Seminar

36 Major Requirement credits
(the following is a sampling of
the possible major electives)

American Labor Law
Black Workers in Amer. Society
Conflict Resolution
Current Labor Problems
Dev. of the Labor Movement
Diversity in the Workplace
Dynamics of Work & Work Org.
Employment Law
HR Issues in the Workplace
Latino Workers in the US
Organizational Behavior
Union Organizations
Working Women in America

24 Free Electives credits

Bachelor's Degree -
120 Total Credits

Eight member institutions.
PI New Jersey Coastal Communiversity 2003        Questions? Phone (732) 280-7090        e-mail   
Brookdale Community College Georgian Court College Kean University Montclair State University New Jersey City University New Jersey Institute of Technology Ocean County College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey