Master`s Degree Requirements
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bullet bullet bullet Info.Tech. Track: Master`s Degree Requirements
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Information Technologies Track:
Master's Degree Requirements

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Master's Degrees
Information Systems MS

9 Core Courses credits
Software Design & Prod. Method.
Information System Evaluation
Information System Principles

3 Programming/Design
Courses credits

Concentration - 6 credits
 from the following:

Interdisciplinary Info. Systems
Mgmt. Info. Systems
Electronic Enterprise Design
Multimedia Communication
Biomedical Informatics

18 Electives credits

Master's Degree -
36 Total Credits

Professional & Technical
Communications MS

12 Core Courses credits
Adv. Professional & Tech. Comm.
Cultural & Technological Change
Communication Theory & Research
Information Design & Publishing

12 Elective credits (with thesis) OR
15 Elective credits (with project)

Thesis - 6 credits OR
Project - 3 credits

Master's Degree -
30 Total Credits

Engineering MS

18 Core Courses credits
Management Science
Project Management
Organizational Behavior
Total Quality Management
Decision Support System

Specialization 6-12 credits
 from the following:

- 6 credits if completing
     Master's Thesis (6 cr.)
- 9 credits if completing
     Master's Project (3 cr.)
- 12 credits if not completing
     either Thesis or Project

Project Management
Cost Engineering
Technical Entrepreneurship Quality
Manufacturing Systems Mgmt.
Management Info. Systems
Engineering Management

Master's Degree -
30 Total Credits

Eight member institutions.
PI New Jersey Coastal Communiversity 2003        Questions? Phone (732) 280-7090        e-mail     
Brookdale Community College Georgian Court College Kean University Montclair State University New Jersey City University New Jersey Institute of Technology Ocean County College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey