Information Technologies Track:
Master's Degree Requirements
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Master's Degrees
Information Systems MS
9 Core Courses credits
Software Design & Prod. Method.
Information System Evaluation
Information System Principles
3 Programming/Design
Courses credits
Concentration - 6 credits
from the following:
Interdisciplinary Info. Systems
Mgmt. Info. Systems
Electronic Enterprise Design
Multimedia Communication
Biomedical Informatics
18 Electives credits
Master's Degree -
36 Total Credits
Professional & Technical
Communications MS
12 Core Courses credits
Adv. Professional & Tech. Comm.
Cultural & Technological Change
Communication Theory & Research
Information Design & Publishing
12 Elective credits (with thesis) OR
15 Elective credits (with project)
Thesis - 6 credits OR
Project - 3 credits
Master's Degree -
30 Total Credits
Engineering MS
18 Core Courses credits
Management Science
Project Management
Organizational Behavior
Total Quality Management
Decision Support System
Specialization 6-12 credits
from the following:
- 6 credits if completing
Master's Thesis (6 cr.)
- 9 credits if completing
Master's Project (3 cr.)
- 12 credits if not completing
either Thesis or Project
Project Management
Cost Engineering
Technical Entrepreneurship Quality
Manufacturing Systems Mgmt.
Management Info. Systems
Engineering Management
Master's Degree -
30 Total Credits