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bullet bullet bullet Info. Tech. Track: Associate Degree Requirements
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Required Courses
bullet bullet bullet Info. Tech. Track: Bachelor`s Degree Requirements
bullet bullet bullet Info. Tech. Track: Graduate Certificate Requirmnts
bullet bullet bullet Info.Tech. Track: Master`s Degree Requirements
Home > Academics > Information Technologies Track > Info. Tech. Track: Bachelor`s Degree Requirements

Information Technologies Track: Bachelor's Degree Requirements

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Bachelor's Degrees
Computer Science BS

Major Requirements

Adv. Data Structures & Algorithm Des.
Adv. Operating Systems
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Computer Organization
Computers & Society
Database System Design & Mgmt.
Discrete Analysis
Guided Design in Software Eng.
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Intro. to Logic and Autom.
Machine & Assembly Language
Physics I
Physics II
Principles of Operating Sys.
Prog. Lang. Concepts
Senior Project
Technical Report Writing

Bachelor's Degree -
134 Total Credits

Information Systems BA

Major Requirements

Advanced Information Systems
Calculus I
Calculus II
Computer Systems Mgmt.
Computers & Society
Database System Design & Mgmt.
Discrete Analysis
Capstone Seminar
File Structures & Mgmt.
Info. Systems & Productivity Toolware
Information Systems
Information Systems Project
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Open Systems Networking
Principles of Operating Sys.
Probability & Statistics
Program Language Concepts
Req. Analysis & Systems Design

Bachelor's Degree -
134 Total Credits

Information Technology BS

27 Core Courses credits

Intro. to Information Technology
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Internet & Applications
Information Design Techniques
Info. Tech. Capstone Project
Systems Integration
Security Org. & Admin.
Computer Systems & Networks
Database Systems Design & Mgmt.

36 Concentration credits

21 Elective credits

Bachelor's Degree -
Total credits required varies
depending upon specialty

Eight member institutions.
PI New Jersey Coastal Communiversity 2003        Questions? Phone (732) 280-7090        e-mail     
Brookdale Community College Georgian Court College Kean University Montclair State University New Jersey City University New Jersey Institute of Technology Ocean County College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey