Information Technologies Track: Bachelor's Degree Requirements
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Bachelor's Degrees
Computer Science BS
Major Requirements
Adv. Data Structures & Algorithm Des.
Adv. Operating Systems
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Computer Organization
Computers & Society
Database System Design & Mgmt.
Discrete Analysis
Guided Design in Software Eng.
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Intro. to Logic and Autom.
Machine & Assembly Language
Physics I
Physics II
Principles of Operating Sys.
Prog. Lang. Concepts
Senior Project
Technical Report Writing
Bachelor's Degree -
134 Total Credits
Information Systems BA
Major Requirements
Advanced Information Systems
Calculus I
Calculus II
Computer Systems Mgmt.
Computers & Society
Database System Design & Mgmt.
Discrete Analysis
Capstone Seminar
File Structures & Mgmt.
Info. Systems & Productivity Toolware
Information Systems
Information Systems Project
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Open Systems Networking
Principles of Operating Sys.
Probability & Statistics
Program Language Concepts
Req. Analysis & Systems Design
Bachelor's Degree -
134 Total Credits
Information Technology BS
27 Core Courses credits
Intro. to Information Technology
Intro. to Computer Science I
Intro. to Computer Science II
Internet & Applications
Information Design Techniques
Info. Tech. Capstone Project
Systems Integration
Security Org. & Admin.
Computer Systems & Networks
Database Systems Design & Mgmt.
36 Concentration credits
21 Elective credits
Bachelor's Degree -
Total credits required varies
depending upon specialty